Breath Mastery Training Program ( BMTP)

An Intensive Healing Program providing a synthesis between Integrative Breath Therapy (Rebirthing) & Transformational Theatre


CA-PhotoDoorways to power offers Courses and professional training in Breath Mastery and the  use of traditional Drama, dance and voice techniques as therapeutic tools for self expression; aiming to bring  about a synthesis between Healing of Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit  through Breath work  aligning with ancient wisdom.

If you would love to train as a Facilitator in the extraordinary work that Christina has developed over many years, then look no further; a breath-work training in one package, from elementary to advanced levels, which is equally suitable for practitioners and individuals alike.

BPTP can be taken as a full Rebirth Practitioner Training.



The Breath Mastery Training Program (has it’s roots in Rebirthing) is a highly skilled practitioner course, a minimum of 30 days in duration, which can be taken as separate modules, with no obligation to continue, or as a complete training over the course of 1-2 years.

It explores the transformational nature of conscious connected breathing, and how this dynamic self-healing tool can lead to Self-Mastery. Issues such as family patterns & relationships; negative thoughts & self-image; sexuality; career & ambition; wealth & prosperity; communication & self-expression; physical, mental and spiritual health can all be addressed effortlessly through the conscious use of breath. Participants benefit from the valuable opportunity to focus on their personal process, and gain insight and resolution on issues that have been sabotaging their success in life. The training supports participants who wish to establish a private practice in this fast evolving and exciting area of complementary healthcare.

The course includes the following modules:

Self-Mastery I (5 day introduction)

Self-Mastery II (7 day intermediate)

Self-Mastery III (9 day advanced)

Hot Tub (2 day introduction)

Apprenticeship (7 days – one per month – (other Modules may be added)


Goddess Tr at Bellenau

Goddess Training participants ( Women’s Initiations) outside Bellenau Chateau in France

The Breath Mastery Training Program is designed to support:

  1. Individuals seeking personal transformation
  2. Established practitioners wishing to expand their skills
  3. Aspiring practitioners including Drama teachers who are coming to breath-work for the first time

Christina Artemis and David Austen devised the Self-Mastery trainings in 1985 influenced by their experience of working with the founder of the Rebirthing movement Leonard Orr. He evolved an appreciation of the transformational quality inherent in the breath, which has been explored by yogis through the ages resulting in practices such as Pranayama and Krya yoga. Breath mastery is vital in addressing conscious and sub-conscious patterns and beliefs, because it gently releases old pain or trauma without the need for mental understanding.  Many people have experienced profound changes in a few brief sessions after years of less successful dialogue-based therapy. We use dynamic techniques such as role-play, sound and movement, and the transformational Drama techniques that Christina has developed over many years. Students are guided through the vital theoretical background and practical skills by a team of experienced practitioners and course tutors, headed by Christina who has gained an international reputation for over 30 years.


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